When dealing with mild kinds of acne breakouts, certain home-based remedies such as fruit-based masks and using medicated cleansers can potentially help lessen the effects of acne. You can also try to use OTC medications containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, since these medicines can help eliminate the pimple-causing bacteria and remove stubborn blackheads.
If your condition, however, seems to get worse, or is already a moderate or severe kind of acne to begin with, it's time to see an expert for the proper treatment. In some cases, acne is caused by an imbalance of hormones, especially if there is too much testosterone and androgen, male hormones that can trigger excess oil production. When dealing with these types of condition, you can consult a dermatologist or a doctor specializing in hormonal imbalances.
Some people with acne experience depression because of the profound repercussions of a blemish-filled skin on their psyche. These people tend to isolate themselves or stay away from their friends because they fear criticisms based on their physical appearances. When you are experiencing symptoms of depression because of your breakouts, it's time to talk to a dermatologist for the proper treatment and to a psychologist to help improve your self-confidence.
Expert help is also needed if you're dealing with acne scars. Big lesions can only be cosmetically removed and treated by a certified dermatologist since improper treatment may cause additional infection or might make the scar bigger and deeper.
In some women, pregnancy can actually make them prone to breakouts because of the hormonal changes that are happening as the body prepares itself for the growing fetus. If pregnancy could be the cause of your breakouts, you definitely need to talk to a dermatologist since certain medications for acne are not safe for an unborn child.
You can also visit a dermatologist if you want to know more about other medications used for acne or you want to understand the underlying factors behind your breakouts. Moreover, dermatologists are doctors trained to handle an array of skin problems that can range from simple allergic reactions to severe and disfiguring kinds of acne. Your dermatologist can prescribe stronger antibiotics and treatments if your acne is severe. They can also fully explain to you the benefits and possible risks of certain acne medications since some of these drugs can cause serious unwanted effects.
Dermatologists can also be good sources of skincare tips to help www.acnerecovery.com/acne-information/acne-treatment/combination-acne-treatment.html prevent acne breakouts They are also always updated about the latest acne therapies and can therefore give you a fact-based opinion regarding the latest treatments.
Some people think that the proper time to visit a doctor is when their breakouts have become worse, with scars and lesions already present. However, experts suggest that visiting a dermatologist before scars or lesions could even develop is the perfect time. There are now many available treatments and medications that can help prevent the formation of permanent acne scars.
If you want to read more about what dermatologists can do to www.acnerecovery.com/acne-information/adult-acne/treatment-for-adult-acne.html cure your acne and when to consult them, visit www.acnerecovery.com www.acnerecovery.com
Kat Daez is an in-house writer for an online media company, Intelligraph Corporation. She currently writes articles about acne and its various medications.
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