Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Causes Acne?

An Overview of Acne

A breakout of acne is a red, irritating skin rash primarily affecting teenagers and young adults. In reality, an acne breakout can happen to anyone. Acne appears in the oil-producing areas of the body, namely, the face, chest, and back. Acne can also occur on the neck and upper arms.

What Causes Acne?

Several factors contribute to a breakout of acne. We will look at hair follicles and the role they play. Hair follicles exist on virtually all skin surfaces except for the palms of our hands and soles of our feet. Inside the follicle, the hair extends up from the deep layers of the skin and comes out of a pore. The problem begins with the flaking of cells inside the hair follicle that leads to the forming of a plug. This plug can enlarge and even rupture the hair follicle. A ruptured hair follicle spills oil and debris into the skin where it will lead to swelling and causes redness.

Acne Bacteria

Bacteria that normally live on the skin can also play a role in the development of acne. These bacteria produce substances that cause the redness and irritation.

Women and Acne

Estrogens, which are female hormones, actually help to improve acne in girls. A woman's monthly menstrual cycle is due to changes in the estrogen levels in her body. This is why acne in a girl may get better and then worse as she goes through her monthly cycle. A doctor may recommend acne treatment with birth control pills, which contain these helpful estrogens.

Genetics and Acne

It is also now believed that acne can run in some families. This may be due to some genetic factor that has not yet been discovered. Research continues into this observation and other insights into the causes and severity of acne in certain family members may come to light.

Acne Care

If you wash once or twice daily with a mild soap and water to remove excess oil from the skin, this can be performed as part of a daily regime. An acne cleanser purchased over-the-counter in a drug store can be helpful, if needed. Avoid scrubbing too abrasively, this can actually irritate the skin and cause acne to get worse.

Cosmetics and Acne

Some cosmetics and other skin care products, however, can cause acne to worsen. Look for make-up, cosmetics, and skin care products labeled with the word noncomedogenic. This means that it does not cause or worsen acne.

Being a Teen and Acne

Most people experience their worst acne during the teen years and grow out of it. The goal in all acne treatment is to prevent scarring. Severe acne left untreated for a long period of time can result in scarring. The scars can appear as pits (usually on the face) or as big, bumpy scars (usually on the chest and back). The scarring of acne can also be treated. A doctor can tell you about various methods available today to treat acne scars.

Outgrowing Acne

Eventually, most people leave the worst of acne breakouts behind them as adults. With a proper cleaning regime acne can be kept under control and most over the counter acne medications will assist in maintaining a clearer complexion.

Jim W.

I am a professional writer by trade and a webmaster in my free time. Writing is a passion with me and the ability to draw a picture in the reader's mind is the best reward any writer can experience. Writing articles is an exercise in refining my ability to relate informative and relevant information in compact, concise and readable pieces. My current home page is: []

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