A person who has lived with acne can be considered an expert in locating the best acne scar removal product because at the first sign of a developing pimple, they already scour any and all available over the counter products that claim to remove these to counter the deep scarring that oftentimes develop by these pimples. An acne scar removal product to be used would highly depend on the type of acne that caused these imperfections.
For instance, the imperfection known as ice pick scar. These are created by cysts found deep in the skin that causes deep holes and are not easily remedied by just any kind of acne scar removal product. The most common procedure done to remedy such deep hole scarring is the augmentation procedure. Augmentation is done by injecting a small amount of collagen into the damaged skin to level out the texture. These are difficult to treat and are often expensive to treat.
A different imperfection caused by acne is known as post inflammatory hyper pigmentation. Unlike the ice pick scars, these are more easy to treat and use acne scar removal products that are readily available. Best product to use for this type of imperfection is 4% hydroquinone that is prescribed by a legitimate dermatologist that will provide healing to the scar. Although one can utilize a product with less hydroquinone content but it would take a much longer time to be effective. Retinoids available over the counter can treat damages by providing skin renewal. Another product that can be used is the Azelaic acid that lessens inflammation of the acne that will diminish scarring. Just a caution sensitive users could be irritated by this product. Still other acne scar removal products can be found like Glycolic acid which produces an exfoliation effect. It could take the forms of creams, gels, or liquid cleansers.
Want to know more about www.acne-scarremoval.com/acne-scar-removal-products.html Acne Scar Removal ? Visit Michael Harrah's site at www.acne-scarremoval.com www.acne-scarremoval.com/
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