It is known that there are numerous medicines available for acne scars, but not many are happy about using artificial products and constituents frequently. There is an alarm about what could happen to the skin. So, home remedies for acne scars are becoming more popular.
Home remedies have passed hands through generations and are now even included in many products that are called 'natural products'. They play a part in improving the texture and also the hue of the skin, also aiding in lessening the strength of acne marks. Being patient is the key here since these home remedies for acne scars take their own sweet time to act. You will probably notice a marked reduction or actually disappearance of the scars only after three or six months. There are also cases where a medicine works well on one individual but is totally ineffective on another. But you must be patient and try another till you stumble on one that does the job for you.
One very well accepted and effective medicine for the removal of acne scar marks is to rub on a blend of cucumber and some tomato juice on the face. Tomatoes are famous for possessing antioxidant qualities, and will assist in preventing skin damage at the cells. It assists in fortifying the immunity mechanism of the body and also perks up the skin tone. Also, tomato and cucumber are excellent in tightening the pores of the skin.
Before anything, you should rinse your face in lukewarm water and ensure that there is no trace of the cosmetics or ointment that could be left on the face. Rub on the juices as a mask and leave it on for around twenty minutes to half an hour before you take it off.
One more efficient method is making a paste of sandalwood mixed with black gram. The base of the paste could be either rose water or milk. Put on the entire face or even the acne infected area only and keep it there right through the night. Wash off with cool water when you wake up. Sandalwood is efficient in lessening skin irritation due to the cooling result.
The famous Australian Tea tree oil as also the Indian Neem paste are another two very efficacious natural medications. They have strong anti-bacterial characteristics and many find them effective in taking off scars and helping prevent recurring of the infection.
One more method that gets rid of the boil and hastens the curative progression is using egg whites. This must also be made into a face mask and kept overnight. Wheat microbe can also be used since it has the right vitamin content and shows good results on skin if had frequently. If the irritation is considered severe, a simple solution to relief the discomfort would be using the ice pack. Ice pack has proved to be very efficient in getting the irritation as well as the swelling and it helps bring the skin pores back to normal.
Discover more about how to remove acne and acne scar marks naturally at is a niche that covers a wide area of skin problems and solutions a like.
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