Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Acne Scars Treatment- Do Home Remedies Work?

Acne Scars are a big headache for those who have them. They remain for the lifetime and one ages, they become more prominent. Is there any home remedy for acne scars and does that work? Let us try to find out.

Acne Scar- what is it?

Most of the acne scars are depressed types. When acne develops, it spreads to the skin cells deeper in the skin. These skin cells are mainly collagen in the skin, which is destroyed by the acne inflammation. Once the acne heals, skin forms over the depression and the scar becomes permanent. One can see a depression in the skin.

Depressed scars may be of different types. This classification is done on the basis of how they look. The common types of acne scars are- Icepick scars, Boxcar scars and Rolling scars.

Icepick scars are deep scars. They may also be superficial. They look sharp as if the skin has been cut with an icepick.

Boxcar scars are oval or round and they are not very deep.

When the scarred skin looks rolled, the scars are known as rolling scars.

Acne Scars- how they can improve in look?

These are permanent changes in the skin and have now healed. I have read about many home remedies that are suggested to treat scars. How will a home remedy remove the depression in the skin? The only way is to produce more collagen inside the skin. If any product can help produce collagen on the scar site, that collagen can fill the depression. If you are suggested any home remedy, find out if that will help create more collagen. Otherwise you will be wasting lot of time, effort and money in treatment of scars.

Keloids -keloids are raised scars, a mass of tissues that grows on the site of the injury.

I do not think that keloids can be treated with any home remedy.

Vitamin C is a collagen booster. Topical retinoids are collagen boosters. Use them topically and slowly you should see improvement in the acne scars.

For more information about acne treatment to make your skin blemish-free and young, please visit- . This site is dedicated to help you look good. For keeping yourself acne free find out more about the acne that causes damage to our skin. To treat acne scars please visit

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