Saturday, February 16, 2013

Acne Scars Information

Acne scars are the marks which are left after the acne is caused or the spots which does not heal properly. Some precautions can be taken to prevent scars which are caused due to hereditary factors or skin color & some treatments are also available to reduce acne scars.


ROLLING SCARS: These are the scars which give our skin a wavy outlook.
ICE PICK SCARS: These resemble deep pits which are very common form of acne scarring.
HYPERTROPHIC SCARS: These are very thick scars found on skin.
BOX CAR SCARS: These resemble chicken pox scars & can be deep or extrinsic to the skin & are mainly found on cheeks.


Before treating scars, acne should be in controlled state.
Type of scar is the factor on which treatment of acne depends.
Treatment also depends on the type of skin.
Treatment can also overshadow embarrassment due to facial scars & boost up the self confidence.
Treatment for scars on chest & back are also available.



Several non treatment options are:

SKIN CAMOUFLAGE: - Camouflage means adapting to external environment in order for protection from certain unfavorable conditions, in this case it is for skin.

Patients with active acne can be treated with camouflage foundation & other appropriate products which will give their skin natural shine & scare less face.

SKIN FILLARS: - Skin fillers are injected into the depressed area of the scar & the skin is brought in the level of the normal skin. The treatment is appropriate for smooth skin types & the response to fillers can be checked by placing tension at the edge of the scar which improves the appearance of scars. There are many temporary and permanent filler which are used for this purpose like Artecoll etc.

CHEMICAL PEELS(AHA PEELS ): - It does not do too much for skin but add shine and luster to skin.It can work more if a sequence of six peels is applied having one every 1-2 weeks.

TROPICAL CREAMS: - Increases production of collagen in our body and reduces marks on skin and improves acne.


PHOTO REJUVENATION: - It promotes new formation of collagen in our body thereby improving mild acne scars. 5-6 treatments are done every 3-4 weeks by using laser and visible light for treating.

MICRODERMA BRASION: - This treatment uses fine crystals of aluminum to give glow ness to the skin. It is also helpful in staining and works appropriately when a sequence of at least six is applied, having one for every 1-2 weeks.

SCAR REVISION: - This removal of acne scars works mainly for ice pick and boxcar scars. The removal can be in the form of a punch closed with sutures which are removed after seven days. In the end, the circular scar is replaced with straight suture scar.

SUBCISION (ANOTHER TECHNIQUE): - A sharp instrument is used to cut the base of the scars and not the covering skin, so sutures are not required. Filler substances can be further used for improvement into the required regions.

So, acne scars can be possibly removed by adopting the above mentioned treatments and the skin is left flawless of marks which boost up one's confidence.

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