Saturday, December 15, 2012

Improve Your Skin - Remove Your Acne Scars

In our teen years I believe all of us have experience acne. Some lucky people did not have scars from it, but most of us surely had. These scars that were left behind may have made some of us feel very conscious. It may have affected our perception of ourselves. We might see ourselves as ugly and in result, be very shy towards others. This is especially if the scar left was very severe.

Pimples, blackheads and whiteheads is generally called acne. They appear in our shoulder, back, neck chest, rarely, in the upper arm but most commonly it appears in the face. Skin problems may appear first as just a simple blackhead or whitehead and develop into a big, cyst like nodule that will leave a crater like scar if pricked. In our younger years, we usually don't realize the importance of not pricking it. So when we grow older, we suffer the consequences of the scar.

There are many ways to remove the acne scar. Treatments available include collagen injection, fat transfer, laser, skin graft, skin surgery, microdermabrasion, dermabrasion and many others. These treatments, though expensive are sure to have a long lasting result. Treatments like collagen injection and fat transfer may also need to be repeated depending on the severity of the scar being treated. The most commonly used and very affordable cure for acne problems is the acne removal cream. They are readily available and do not need a professional to use it.

Acne removal creams are topically applied usually once or twice everyday. They do not give instant results so the one using this treatment must be very patient and diligent in applying it. The acne removal creams are usually included in the usual beauty regimen of the user. It is best paired with a deep cleansing wash to remove dirt in the face which sometimes triggers the start of acne as well.

Choosing the right acne scar removal cream for you is hard. They say that not all acne scar removal cream is effective to someone would also be effective for you. A trial and error usually happens in choosing which brings about more problems from irritation. You should choose an acne scar removal cream that has natural ingredients and those that are mild to the skin. It should also have vitamins to make your skin healthier. Alpha hydroxy acid is a common ingredient that is in acne scar removal creams. What it does is remove the dead skin cells in the topmost layer of the skin to reveal the healthy ones underneath. When using acne scar removal cream with this ingredient, do not forget to always put on a sunblock cream and always prevent exposure to direct sunlight. This is to prevent sunburn which is very common. Exposure to too much sunlight also causes our skin to age prematurely and we went to prevent that.

Acne scar removal creams are very effective but it takes time too. It is inexpensive compared to surgical procedures and definitely less frightening too.

We might get too conscious of our physical appearance but we must never forget that its not the only thing that should matter. Our attitudes are far more important and significant that physical appearance.

Lam Seina is an Author living in Sydney, Australia. He is interested in reading and creating websites. His latest website is about hosiery plus size and finding the best plus size hosiery on the web today.

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