Saturday, November 17, 2012

How to Choose the Best Acne Scar Removal Product

Acne is a condition suffered by millions of people in the planet, and the effects of this condition do not stop the moment the last pimple is gone. As a matter of fact for many of acne sufferers, this is the start of another problem in life: acne scars. These scars appear primarily because people tend to pick on pimples, and once they appear, they can be with us for a lifetime if left untreated!

One of the ways to get rid of acne scars is by buying an acne scar removal product. But how do you choose one? Which one is the best? These are questions that pop in our mind when we actually decide to make our purchase.

First, let me say that if you have deep acne scar problems, none of the current products out there will be of help. They may seem like a great solution - after all they are way cheaper than specialized treatments - but deep scars need a more aggressive treatment to fade away, like for example laser resurfacing or chemical peels.

For mild scars and raised skin, you can find creams and gels that will help you smooth the skin but will also reduce redness around the scars. Companies such as Neutrogena, ZENMED and Kelo-Cote offer these types of products that you apply directly on your skin. These are not fast acne scar removal methods though, you will have to build the habit of applying the cream or gel religiously every day. From my experience, I can tell you that new scars may need up to 2 months to completely vanish.

Another option when it comes to acne scars products are the home microdermabrasion kits. These are kits that come with a full set of products to make your own microderm treatment. The great majority of these kits contain products and tools that are not in par with professional microdermabrasion treatments. These kits work great with mild scarring and they are pretty easy to use provided that you read the instructions. Companies such as Olay, Youthful Essence and Dermanew offer these kinds of kits. Some of the best companies offer ingredients that could be considered "more professional", and they are worth buying!

Finally there are some natural alternatives and home base treatments, but they lack the action needed to get rid of scars. Instead, you can use them to help you strengthen your skin and improve its condition.

Learn how to get rid of acne scars in Acne scar Removal Treatments, the #1 page to learn all about the current effective methods to say good bye to scars for good!

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