Surgical options are generally taken by severe acne sufferers. If you are considering one of the following options, discuss carefully potential side effects and consequent costs with a dermatologist. Please choose an option that will reduce the presence of acne and not acne scarring. Here are the available options:
Severe acne can form under the skin and become very painful (even disfiguring). Often, smaller cysts can be treated with cortisone injections which will flatten the lesion in a few days. But for larger cysts the only alternative available might be to have them drained and then surgically removed. Drainage can help relieve the pain associated with cysts and also reduce the chance of scarring. It is important not to try to drain cysts by yourself because of the risk of infection and permanent scarring.
Exfoliation (peels)
This treatments involves removing the top layer of the skin either chemically or mechanically. Mechanically peels are usually done with abrasives. Chemical peels are usually done with glycolic acid. These work by destroying a microscopic layer of skin cells to unclog pores and remove the build-up of dead cells. When done correctly, exfoliation leaves the skin feeling smoother and fresher looking.
Acne Surgery
Acne surgery involves making an incision into the affected area and draining the clogged matter. Blackheads and whiteheads doesn't involve surgery. This procedure is often performed by nurses, estheticians or dermatologists. A small, pointed blade is used to first open the comedone and then gently work the material out using a comedone extractor. Severe cysts can be drained by a procedure known as excisional surgery. The procedure must be performed in a sterile environment to minimize the risk of spreading the bacterial infection and should only be performed by professionals. If cysts are not carefully extracted, they can develop serious infection and create a scar.
Comedo Extraction
Comedo extraction is a common treatment for acne vulgaris. In this procedure, comedones (blackheads and white heads) are extracted using a pen-like instrument which opens the top to allow the removal of dead skin cells and sebum from the follicle. Usually, the procedure is followed by an application of antibiotic cream. Possible negative effects for this procedure include incomplete extraction, scars and skin damage.
Laser Therapy
Laser treatments involve the use of varying wavelengths that are aimed directly at the affected area of the skin. These wavelengths pulsate against the skin and destroy overly-large sebaceous glands and acne lesions. Laser treatments remove the damaged outer layers of skin so that new cell growth can be initiated. The laser technician gradually varies the intensity of the laser as necessary to effectively treat the area. There is a considerable debate about the effectiveness of laser therapy. It has been shown to be effective in improving the skin's appearance, but as with all of the other surgical options, there are some side effects. E.g.: patients can experience red, burned skin after treatment that can last for weeks, individuals with dark skin can end up with skin discoloration, the skin's appearance can be uneven if the laser is applied1 inconsistently.
ALWAYS discuss the risks and side effects with an experienced professional before making a final decision.
If you want to learn more about acne, please visit Acne No More.
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