Thursday, March 20, 2014

Acne Scars Remedies - Treatments For Acne Scars

If you've managed to cure your acne but are now frustrated with scarring as a result then you've no need to worry because there are many ways in which even the most noticeable scars can be dramatically improved if not cured.

The options at your disposal are numerous and the suitability very much depends on the type of scarring that you have. In this article, I'm going to be discussing depressed acne scars (atrophic) and the possible remedies for curing them.

1.Surgical Removal

Punch elevation and punch excision techniques are popular methods that surgeons can use to remove both ice pick and box car scars. This involves surgically removing the fibrous collagen bonds in the scars and flattening the surface of the skin. If there are numerous scars to be treated, the whole face can be completed within two hours.

Sometimes a patient will need a skin graft to complete the surgical procedure. The skin is usually taken from behind the patient's ear.

If the patient has many small scars then a collagen injectable filler can be used to augment the skin. Unfortunately the results of this are only temporary; if filled with synthetic substances then the results will last 3 - 6 months but if filled with your own fat then the results can last 3 - 6 years. Of course to get the fat in the first place, liposuction is necessary.

2. Laser

There are many different types of laser treatment but a discussion of each is out of scope for this article. Laser treatments are one of the most effective treatments for scarring with the highest success and contentment for patients with more serious scarring. Anywhere from 6 - 12 sessions are required to complete treatment and because of the high technology the price is pretty high - easily into the multiple thousands of dollars.

3. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels such as glycolic acid are very useful on scarring that is mild to moderate. The acid dissolves the top layers of the screen and promotes new skin cell growth which ultimately flattens the surface of the skin over time. As with most scar treatments, multiple sessions are required. Glycolic acid peels are commonly used in conjunction with laser removal as a precursor.

4. Micro dermabrasion

The top layers of skin are removed when rubbed with a highly abrasive surface. Again, numerous sessions are required for great results. Micro dermabrasion works best with mild to moderate scars - the success isn't so high with the deeper and more serious scarring.

5. Dermabrasion

Similar to micro dermabrasion except this process is manual and carried about by a qualified practicioner. The side effects of dermabrasion are more sever than micro dermabrasion; you'll need a week off at home to recover from the numerous dermabrasion sessions. Again, this technique is best suited to mild and moderate scarring.

In Summary

There are even more ways to remove your scarring than those that are listed in this article, however these are your mainstream options. For expert advice on the subject it is always advised that you consult your dermatologist as he / she will be able to assess the best method for your type of acne scar.

If you're serious about treating your scars then you need to read the revolutionary new Natural Tattoo Removal [] e-book that is available for instant download.

This is the only publication that will walk you through completely holistic methods of curing your scars from home fast and to great effect. []

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