For many who have suffered from acne, once the blemishes are gone, the acne scars can remain. Some scars will heal on their own without leaving a mark, while others may permanently remain on your skin. Most severe acne scars are the result of severe acne which is why one of the best ways to cure scars is to prevent them from forming in the first place. If you have acne or are suffering from acne scars, you may find the following tips helpful in treating your acne scars.
1. Prevention is the number one way to prevent and treat acne scars. If you are currently suffering an acne outbreak, start treating your acne now before scars develop. Looking for acne treatments that contain the chemical benzoyl peroxide to help kill the bacteria that causes acne P.acnes. Also, look for acne products that contain Aloe Vera to help heal your acne and prevent acne scars from developing.
2.Do not touch, pick, scratch, or squeeze your acne. Sometimes pimples and zits can be very annoying, causing itching and burning. However, you must fight the temptation to touch them. When you touch your acne in any way, it causes the bacteria to spread to other parts of your face and body. By touching your acne, you will aggravate your condition which can lead to an infection. Infected acne is one of the worst forms of acne for leaving scars.
3. Try to limit your acne irritation by never scrubbing your face. Wash your face gently with soap and warm water, but never more than 2 times a day. You can wash it more if you exercise or sweat more than normal. After washing your face, pat it dry with a clean cloth rather than scrubbing it dry. Irritating acne can and often will lead to very deep scars.
4. One way that dermatologists go about healing scars is a process known as dermabrasion. During dermabrasion, the surface of your skin will be removed. This unfortunately, is a very painful procedure and take weeks to heal. It has been effective in treating scars but it is still better to prevent them.
5. Medication may be used to treat your acne scars especially those that contain aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has a long history for being effective in the treatment of many skin conditions from acne to sunburn to eczema. Aloe Vera is a natural way of removing the bacteria that causes acne from your skin. It will also aid in the healing of your skin, help moisturize you skin, and can even tighten your skin to limit the appearance of acne scars. Aloe Vera may also be helpful in regenerating skin tissue.
While there are a variety of ways to treat acne scars, the main tip to keep in mind is to prevent them from forming in the first place.
Jason is the owner of the blog, [], a resource for tips, articles, and advice to get rid of acne []
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