Thursday, February 6, 2014

Laser Acne Treatment Technologies

Laser acne treatment is an exciting new technology for getting rid of acne blemishes. There are a wide variety of lasers available to treat persistent outbreaks of spots, with more being developed every year due to the rising popularity of laser treatment. Most fight this skin condition in one of two ways, although there are several other methods, too.

The most common method of laser acne treatment is by using the laser to disable or shrink the sebaceous glands in the skin. These glands produce oil. Overactive glands make your face oily, causing breakouts by blocking your pores and hair follicles. During laser acne treatment, the lasers beam enters your skin and turns into heat, precisely targeting the sebaceous glands. After laser treatment using this method, your face will not be so oily, and the number of acne flare-ups will be reduced.

Lasers are also used to fight breakouts by killing acne-causing bacteria living in your skin. This p. acnis bacteria occurs naturally in the oils of your skin, but too much bacteria can lead to spots. Because it lives deep in the skin, it is not reached simply by washing your face. There are antibiotics available to fight the bacteria, but laser acne treatments take just a few short visits to your dermatologist, whereas the medications must be taken daily. By killing off these bacteria, laser treatments can provide long-lasting relief from your skin condition.

The laser types used for acne treatment vary in their wavelength. Lasers used for this procedure range from about 450nm up to 1450nm, and the exact wavelength of light used depends on the cause of your problem. Usually, shorter wavelengths are used to target bacteria, while longer wavelengths more effectively disable the sebaceous glands. Today, many lasers can effectively treat both of these causes at the same time, leading to even more effective laser treatments.

Some of the many types of lasers used include Erbium, CO2, diode, and pulsed dye. However, there are many other lasers besides these. For example, blue light lasers are used to kill the bacteria in the skin. Laser treatment is a developing industry, and new lasers are being developed every day to fight acne in new and exciting ways.

Many of the lasers used for acne treatment are also used against scars and for other skin-smoothing applications. Because of this, they also reduce the appearance of acne scars. These types of lasers are called ablative lasers; they work by removing a thin layer of skin, much like sanding a tabletop to reveal a smoother surface.

Because there are several different technologies involved in laser treatment for acne, these treatments are effective against existing blemishes, future breakouts, and even preexisting acne scars. Since this technology is noninvasive, there is almost no recovery time involved in laser acne removal, and it is nearly pain-free.

Mark Bradford writes about laser treatment for acne at the Laser Acne Treatment Guide, an essential resource for those considering this revolutionary solution for acne. Visit to discover more about the different laser acne treatment technologies available.

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