There are several home-made remedies that are effective in healing acne. At the comfort of your home, apply distilled white vinegar to the face and other affected areas and leave it for about five to ten minutes. Rinse using cool water. If the solution is too strong, you can add a little water to dilute it.
Lemon juice is also effective as a natural exfoliate and can help remove dead skin cells. It also helps to open up the skin pores. Apply the juice and allow it to dry for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water afterwards. If you feel a mild sting or burn, the juice is a little strong and therefore you may have to dilute it a little. Drinking plenty of water is also very helpful. Water normally helps to flush out toxins. It also helps to transport nutrients in the body.
Sometimes acne is a sign that something is wrong on the inside. A proper diet can therefore help in healing acne. Multivitamins and mineral supplements can help you make up for the missing nutrients. Including an oregon grape in your diet will not only help to boost your immune system but will also help to fight the acne-causing bacteria.
Vitamin A has successfully been used to treat this type of condition. Adding zinc to your diet is also effective in curbing this infection. Zinc not only helps in healing of tissues but also helps in preventing scars. It helps the body to fight infections and inflammations. Homeopathic acne remedy helps to clear and heal the skin. This remedy also helps to dry up pimples and prevent future breakouts. If these remedies don't work out for you, conventional medicines are available and can help in healing acne.
Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on acne and its treatment. Acne
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