Keloid Scars are a nightmare compared to some other types of acne scars. They grow beyond the initial wound and can develop into a larger mark compared to the initial wound. Purple, red and pinkish colors are the norm, and although non-contagious, one might be shied away from as people do not realize there is nothing contagious from this. They can grow on several parts of the body, including chest, jaw line, back, shoulders, and earlobes after a piercing.
Keloids can also result from other skin irritations besides acne, such as after surgery, or from a cut. Getting body parts pierced or getting a burn on the skin, can result in a keloid starting. I guess if there is anything to learn from this, it is that no one is immune to this, if a wound is not taken care of properly. Cortisone (steroid) injections seem to be one of the most helpful treatments. Surgery can remove them, but they tend to come back from that on a more frequent basis.
Hypertrophic Scars can decrease in size as time goes on. They stay within the area of the initial wound, and are thick and red. Cortisone injections can assist in the diminishing of this scar, or time is also a factor in this type subsiding on its own.
Acne scars develop because the wound is in the dermis, resulting in the scar being inside the skin rather than on the surface. The acne scar, especially the Keloid Scar, can itch, adding another issue besides aesthetics to deal with.
If there is one thing I know after seeing Keloid Scars and other acne scars, it is that dermatologists are priceless and so valued in their knowledge to assist with finding the best skin care treatments.
Natural and unnatural skin care treatments. Sometimes you need to welcome the more unnatural when you realize your face is looking incredibly better. And having clear skin to face the world is one good reason to consider both treatments when looking for help.
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