Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Acne Treatments - Must Have Ingredients to Fight Acne

Have you tried shopping for an acne cream medication in your local drugstore? You probably found several types and brands in the shelves all claiming to have the newest and most effective ingredients to battle your acne problems. But come to think of it, do you really understand what there ingredients are for? Or do they simply sound like jargon to you? If you find yourself even more confused looking at these medications, then here are helpful bits of information on the common ingredients that are usually found in anti- acne creams and what they are for.

o    Zinc - researchers have discovered that zinc deficiency is one of the major contributors to acne breakouts. Zinc contributes to the efficiency of many body processes such as wound healing, regulation of hormones and protection from harmful toxins that have been accumulated inside the body.

o    Calcium - Calcium is famous for being the miracle bullet for removing blackheads and whiteheads. That is why, having this type of mineral as part of the ingredients in your anti-acne cream will surely work for you. Aside from that, getting calcium from other external sources such as your diet will work as well. Food that are great sources of calcium would include dairy products, milk and so much more.

o    Manganese - Manganese is said to help improve the function of your thyroid glands. It also promotes healthy fat and blood glucose metabolism. Manganese are abundantly found fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, grapes and pineapples and in vegetables such as turnip greens, lettuce, spinach, garlic and green beans.

o    Chromium - A deficiency in chromium can lead to insufficient blood glucose levels that can in turn, contribute to acne inflammation. Having ample amounts of this substance in the body can effectively treat acne breakouts.

o    Herbal-based Creams - one of the more popular herbal creams available in the market today is the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System. Not only does this cream help effectively remove acne but also keep it away in the future. Another brand you can use is the Zenmed Derma Cleanse System. This is actually a combination of western and eastern drugs that is great for removing blackheads overnight.

So the next time you go shopping for acne medications, watch out for these crucial ingredients since they have been scientifically proven to solve your acne problem effectively.

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