Friday, August 9, 2013

Your Real Face is One Layer Down

Adult acne treatments are numerous, and if you have deep acne scars from your adolescent years, there are several methods that are proving to be effective in correcting your unsightly problem. A surgical procedure called punch elevation corrects boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. A punch tool is used to excise the base of the scar which leaves the wall intact. After the base is excised, it is then elevated to the surface of the skin and attached with steri-strips, sutures or skin glue called Dermabond. This method is proving to be effective as it lessens the risk of producing a visible scar that can be seen when wound edges are sutured. It also lessens the risk of texture or color differences that are usually found with graft replacement.

Acne scar removal can be performed using a technique called subcutaneous incision, which is also referred to as subcision. Performed under local anesthesia, it is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause rolling scars. It is performed by inserting a specially-beveled needle under the skin so that is parallel with the skin surface. The needle is gently advanced and careful attention is focused on staying between the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue levels. The needle is then advanced and retracted in a piston-like motion that cuts the tethering bands. Some bruising does occur that usually abates within a week or two. There is a risk of bleeding and the formation of subcutaneous nodules. With the proper use of anesthetics and bandaging bleeding can be controlled, and the subcutaneous nodules can be treated by using injections of corticosteroids into the nodule.

Many skin defects are treated by using a technique called laser resurfacing. The most popular type of laser used for acne scars is carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium lasers. The lasers work by burning the top layers of skin to a precise depth. The skin heals by replacing the layers that were burned with new skin. Postoperative care is critical after undergoing laser resurfacing. It is an important factor which determines the success of your acne treatment.

By Terry Price- Remember to visit- --The Zeno Zit Zapper is a remarkable invention!

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