What would the world be like if criteria for job offers changed all of a sudden. Imagine you are looking for a job and see something like, we have many positions available and preference will be given to people who are beautiful and have acne. It would be quite a different world to walk into a cosmetic store and see that all the young ladies and young men with blemishes and pimples on their faces and didn't seem to mind it. I bet that most of us would be wondering what is that all about! We have been taught from day one to be polite, obedient and acne free.
Why is that all the ads we see on TV, billboards, radio etc. always talk about fighting acne, fighting obesity and all. Shouldn't we go into an agreement with something that is part of us instead of fighting it. After all, if we have pimples on our face, we are not really fighting ourselves for having acne. We are not really fighting our skin in order to remove the things that we find unpleasant. Instead we should go into a common agreement with our body! Something like, I am going to treat you well, I am not going to feed you junk food three to four times a day, I am not going to smoke anymore... I believe that the body will be more co-operative should we decide to do that and we would see more improvement in our skin condition that way.
If you don't like something, you are allowed to voice your opinion. If you don't like something at home, you tell your mom, dad or you husband or wife about it. You do that because you want to see a change. The same goes with our body. If it doesn't like what we do to it, it cannot really talk to us with words, but it will show the consequences of our action on our body, on our skin. Let's be honest here, you cannot expect to have a six pack abs and be acne free if all you do is sit on the couch and watch days of our lives! You cannot expect to have a body like Mr. America and have no acne if all you do is drive to your favourite fast food restaurant and eat cheeseburgers and fries.
A mutual co-operation with your body would be to treat it with love and care and in return your skin will be smooth and glowing. If you were to change your habits today by starting to drink more fresh water instead of pops, eating more salads instead of cheeseburgers and fries, go for a brisk walk instead of puffing on a cigarette, you would see your acne and pimples dry up and disappear as by magic. You wouldn't have to dream about a world where people with acne can be beautiful because you can be beautiful with or without acne. The choice is yours!
If you have gone to your cosmetic store and saw only acne free beautiful people, you know that they have found a product that works. You too will find a product that will work for you when you visit our site today!
www.sites-seeing.info/moles.html Acne product!
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