Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Removing Acne Scars - 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Forever

Fighting acne pimples and removing acne scars is like a long drawn battle. However thanks to advances in medicine and medical technology, these days it is not impossible to get rid of these stubborn scars. Here we present the 5 most popular methods of getting rid of scars:

1) Natural Remedies - The homemade natural remedies remain popular for removing acne scars because they do not have any major side effects. A mix of turmeric, sandalwood and rose water is considered as an excellent remedy to get rid of acne scars. Some other natural scar removal remedies include Aloe Vera products, Rosehip seed oil etc. On the flip side, it may take a long time for these remedies to work especially if you suffer from deep scarring.

2) Chemical peeling - The procedure of chemical peeling has gained popularity for removing acne scars in the last few years. In this procedure, a layer of scarred skin is "peeled off" with chemicals and new skin and tissue is allowed to grow which results in the growth of new, healthy and spotless skin. However chemical peeling may require multiple sittings, plus it may not work for you if your skin is allergic to chemicals. Consult your doctor to see if you can go for this option.

3) Dermabrasion - This is a relatively new technique for removing acne scars. It is somewhat similar to chemical peeling but the difference here is that instead of chemicals, the top layer of the skin is removed using machines such as brush or spinning diamonds. Again your doctor or dermatologist can advise you whether you should go for this option.

4) Laser scar removal - This method is getting increasingly popular for acne scar removal. There are two different types of laser scar removal methods available - laser resurfacing and fractional laser therapy. In laser resurfacing, the top layer of the scarred skin is removed and the layer below that is tightened by using lasers. This procedure is often painful and it may take up to 2 weeks for the skin to heal completely. Fractional laser therapy works at a much deeper level thereby causing less injury and resulting in faster healing time.

5) Surgery - In extreme cases, your doctor or dermatologist may recommend surgery for your scar removal especially if you suffer from indented deep scars. Even though surgery is not the first choice for most people, in some cases it remains the most viable solution for scar removal.

The 5 methods given above are great for removing acne scars. However there is another holistic scar removal technique that I have personally used to get rid of my scars. If you want to check my acne scar removal technique, check out

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