Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pimple Scar Removal - What To Look for in Natural Solutions

Those who have have suffered from either acne or pimples know how nasty and inconvenient these conditions can be. For the majority of people, these pimples will fade away at the end of teenage hood, however for many they will continue, and for another large group of people the scars that are left behind will be just as annoying and awful. They'll be as hard if not harder to deal with then the pimples themselves!

There are many ways of pimple scar removal which are often very risky and very expensive. One of the more common ways is surgical scar removal. This usually occurs when the person suffering feels they've tried everything else. There are a billion and one ways to fade and remove pimple scarring which range from expensive (think lasers and surgery and expensive bottles of expensive moisturizer) to the cheap and cheerful (think lemons and cheap bottles of cheap moisturizer). Doing something like pimple scar removal surgically is pretty extreme - there are plenty of risks and it doesn't work as well as it should.

For those contemplating surgery, know there are plenty of natural and cheap solutions that will work as well or better then these risky operations.

When you go off into the bowels of the internet or into magazines to find these sorts of natural products you'll discover a mine-field of choices and options that may or may not work as well as they might. Several of these products do not work as they are claimed to. Vitamin E for example is a very big no-no. It's been tested before and it doesn't work. Researchers have used trials of patients with pimple scarring to attempt a reduction in scar size... and wah wah. No results, so don't use Vitamin E.

Onion extract is another popular 'solution', however it doesn't work as well as it's claimed to either. You'll come across a lot of natural products that don't do what they are meant to. I would suggest if you are contemplating a natural pimple scar removal technique to do a little research first. Take a look at some forums first to see if it's getting a wide approval rating and if you decide to give it a go, do a patch test first, on a small place first to see if your skin has any adverse reactions. Remember that just because it's natural doesn't mean that your skin will agree with it.

If you're really serious about removing your scars, take a look at the Scar Solution. It's one of the most natural and effective ways to treat your pimple scars, so take a look.

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