Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to Get Rid of the Scars From Acne

If you have ever had a case of acne, then you must be familiar with the suffering of having to put up with the scars from acne. When you suffer from a severe case of acne it can leave behind some awful scars or marks that nobody likes. The scars left behind after the acne has healed are more irritating than the acne itself. While there are a few lucky persons who will have little to no scarring at all most people are not so lucky and have constant and ugly reminders of their acne.

Luckily, just because you have the scars from acne it does not mean that you will have to carry them for the rest of your life. As there are many different methods that can help you minimize or completely remove the scars from acne. Below are a few excellent and wonderful ways to get rid of the scars from acne.

Avoid getting a Breakout

The best and the most effective way of getting rid of the scars from acne and pimples is not to get an outbreak. While that in itself is extremely hard to do, as most people seem to have inherited the acne gene, there are some ways that you can reduce the amount of pimples that you get during a breakout. You can do this by keeping the pores clean and not scratching or irritating the pimples.

Do Not Pop, Squeeze or Scratch the Pimples

Scars from acne are most times caused by irritating and scratching the pimples and the skin around pimples. Once you scratch or pop a pimple, you are actually creating the base for scarring to occur. As you are increasing the odds of getting the pimple infected while at the same time spreading bacteria around your face which may cause more pimples to form. Therefore, by not irritating or scratching the pimples or zits you will be minimizing the chances of scarring.

Laser Resurfacing or Laser Surfacing

Laser surfacing or resurfacing is a form of treatment that is used to treat the scars from acne. During this treatment, the upper layers of the damaged skin are burned off using a laser. This result in the healing and restructuring of the skin from the fresh layer of skin that is left behind after the damaged skin has been removed. This normally reduces the appearance of acne scarring.

Punch Excision

Punch excision is another treatment for the scars from acne. With this acne scar treatment, the scarred skin is removed with simple excision, which will allow the dermatologist to bring the dermis back together, while getting rid of the rugged appearance of the acne scars.

Chemical Peeling

Chemical peeling is one more great treatment for acne scars. With this type of treatment a mild organic acid like salicylic or glycolic acid is applied to the skin to peel off the skin that is scarred. Once the scarred skin has been removed new layers of skin that are free of scars will replace the old ones.

Cucumber Juice

For very mild scarring applying cucumber juice to the scars from acne is a great technique to reduce the appearance of the scarred tissue. Cucumber juice is good for reducing inflammation and increasing the elasticity of the skin which means that it can help to improve the scars left behind by acne.

While there are some effective methods of removing or minimizing the scars from acne, there is no treatment that will completely get rid of the acne scars overnight. Some of these scar treatments for acne will produce some really good result. However, you should always remember that each procedure has its own risks, and it will take some time for the scars to completely disappear. Furthermore, sometimes it may take more than one treatment or a combination of procedures to give you the smoothest skin and get rid of the scars from acne.

Grab your Free 11 Treatment To Acne and Scars From Acne tips today!

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