Acne is a disease that affects mainly the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest. It is caused by bacteria and also an overflow of hormones, androgens to be exact. They cause oil glands in the hair roots to secrete excessive amounts of oil which combined with dirt and dead skin cells clog the pores creating an infection where the bacteria thrives. Moderate to severe cases may cause scaring on the area where the affection took place. Usually mild cases will not leave scars unless the patient has touched them or squeezed the pimples and increased the infection.
There are three types of scars caused by acne. The first is a sunken disk-like hole in the area where a pimple used to be. This is caused by the loss of the supportive tissue under the pimple. The second one is a raise lesion; they will sometimes itch and hurt. Also they may remain tender for a long time after the acne has gone away. The third type of scaring resulting from acne is a spot, these can be different colors and sizes and they appear after the acne is gone and will remain for some time. Usually they will disappear alone after a while. It is very important for you to apply sunscreen when you go out. These spots will change color noticeably when exposed to the sun.
Modern technology has different ways of treating each of these scars. The depressed sunken scars may be treated will fillers or abrasive peelings. The peelings will renew the skin and the smallest holes will disappear with the old skin. Fillers like collagen and Botox can be used for larger depressions but these will wear out and have to be redone five or six months later. Chemical peelings are also an option and have the same principal as the abrasive peelings only they reach deeper into the skin layers and remove more damage than the abrasive peeling.
The most permanent remedy for sunken scars is surgery. It is done at the doctor's clinic and local anesthetics are used. The surgeon will remove the scar fill the area below it with skin and place the scar back on top leveling the surface. The doctor cannot physically remove the scar completely; he will make it smaller and will make it rise to the level of the surrounding skin. With time it will fade away or become unnoticeable.
In the case of raised scars the first treatment undertaken is direct injections of corticosteroids directly into the raised scar. This will soften and flatten the scar. It will allow raised scars to feel smoother and less noticeable. Injections are given with certain regularity and this depends on the type and size of the scar. If response to the corticosteroids is good and the scar changes noticeably treatment will continue. If after three or four weeks of treatment the scar seizes to respond then surgery will probably be necessary. Several types of surgery are also available and they depend on the type and size of the raised scar. Many of these will return time after the surgery so some kind of treatment must be continued even after the surgery. In the same manner as the sunken scars, the raised scars will not go away completely, they will be reduced and leveled but they will leave a mark behind.
The spot lesions are better left alone, they will vanish with time. Attempting to remove them ahead of time may cause a permanent spot to form.
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