Acne care normally focuses on the removal of elements that cause the disease. Care also involves treating the disease. Some of the things that cause the disease are excess oil as well as other debris that may be present on the surface of the skin. All these impurities have the potential to clog the pores on your skin. When you develop this condition, caring and treating may consist of light daily cleansing. After cleaning, you can then apply the medication.
When your skin is clean, the pores are able to breathe easier as well as excrete excess sebum that collects in them. Sebum refers to the oil that is produced by the sebaceous glands. Producing sebum is a perfectly natural and necessary lifecycle of the skin. It is only when the sebum or the excess oils are blocked or infested by bacteria that acne can result.
Taking care involves regular cleaning and this allows the production and excretion of sebum to work in the natural form. This helps to cure as well as prevent the disease. When you have acne, don't scrub because this will only irritate the skin. Instead, use a sponge, a soft cloth or better still your bare hands. Make sure you wash your face twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
Acne care involves properly cleaning the affected area to get rid of the accumulated dirt. After washing, pat your skin dry, don't rub because it will lead to further irritation and worsen the situation. Apply medications afterwards. This has to be repeated until the disease cures.
Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on acne and its treatment. Acne
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