Acne scars are the damage made on skin by healed wounds of the disease. Just like acne itself, the scars are of different types, depending on the severity of the problem that caused them.
For instance, acne that starts off deep beneath the fatty tissues of the skin, usually happens with the occurrence of nodules or cysts. There are also some scars that originate deep within the epidermis, this usually happens when the pore is irritated. If not treated long enough, it may lead to comedone. Comedone is the term for clogged pores, which is primarily the result of too much oil secretion and keratin.
The infected area of the skin may also swell because clogged pores can attract bacteria, when pores are clogged and infected by bacteria, they usually swell. In spite of this situation, you can always heal skin lesions made by acne once you do away with the swelling.
There are three types of scars; atrophic scars, raised scars and pigmented scars. Atrophic scars are round marks that are usually indented. The size can vary between 0.25mm to 2.5mm, and its depth can go from 0.25m up to 0.75mm. The size of atrophic scars will depend on the amount of collagen and fats that were lost.
Raised scars are also known as keloid scars. The acne lesions usually are raised or embossed which is why they are called raised scars.
Pigment scars result when few acne lesions develop or go to the exterior of the skin. Lesions may occur as blackheads or pustules. Since the presence of these can really be unsightly, the person involved will tend to squeeze on them prematurely.
You need to know that the skin has the ability to repair on its own, so not all types of acne lesions will end up causing scarring. If you can only let your skin remove or get rid of its waste on its own, you will have no problems regarding scarring. Just remember to keep your hands away from your skin. Do not be tempted to squeeze or pop your pimples, simply let it remove itself.
John Mowatt is a writer who is interested in health and fitness. He also writes on other subjects. See his website at home burglar alarm and also at gas furnace prices.
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