Acne sufferers have it tough. Not only do they have to contend with the anguish and humiliation of having to cope with pimples and spots during their teenage years, but they also have to deal with the after effects of acne. Severe outbreaks of acne can leave scars, and these can be quite severe in some cases. Ice pick acne scars, for example, leave small pits and craters in the skin. These can be quite unsightly and can have a negative effect on self-esteem and confidence.
Happily, there are solutions. In this day and age there is no need for people to spend years being depressed about have their appearance has been negatively altered by acne scarring. Technology has advanced at such a pace that most scars caused by acne can be removed.
It must be noted, however, that as with all medical treatments, patience and determination are key. There is not an overnight cure to scar removal. The sufferer must be regimented and persistent.
By far the most effective way of removing a severe acne scar is to resort to laser treatment. An intense laser beam is directed, by a trained professional, onto the affected skin and the scar tissue is removed to reveal the unscarred skin tissue below. This process is quite a serious procedure, but the results are often astounding. Obviously, this works best in conjunction with a sympathetic skin care regimen.
Other treatments are available to remove scars caused by acne. There are lots of home remedies that people have claimed have worked wonders on their acne scars, but there is little clinical evidence to support these claims.
If you liked this acne article, find out more about getting rid of acne scars and natural acne treatments.
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