Well today I am going to talk a little about acne scars and acne scar cure tips. So the first thing you need to know is that in the world of acne there are actually more than one type of scar.
Being an acne sufferer I do a lot of research on every subject involved with acne. So first off IO will give you a list and brief discussion of the types of acne scars and then we can get into some tips on an acne scar cure.
Ice Pick Scars - These are the most common of all acne scars. They are the ones that look like deep pits where the pimple or cyst may have been.
Boxcar Scars - You will notice that these scars resemble the scars you get from chicken pox. These scars are usually angular in shape and are usually found on the cheeks or temple. They can be deep or close to the surface.
Rolling Scars - These are usually a little redder and appear like a wave wherever the scar may be located.
So now you ask is there such a thing as an acne scar cure? Well I am happy to tell you there are several things you can do to help with your acne scars. First I will talk about some treatments that don't require any surgical treatment.
Topical Creams - These creams help to promote the production of collagen in the skin. It works well to patch up very fine acne scarring.
Skin Fillers - These seem to work quite well for some people as well. The name says it all. Basically they just fill the scars and bond with new skin. I won't get into names here but you can either talk to your pharmacist or doctor and they can help you out.
Chemical Peels - Well these don't really do much to the scars. What they do is improve the entire outlook of the skin. It will help even out skin tones and make everything blend. I strongly encourage at least 6 peels doing it every couple of weeks.
Cover Up - Cover up is simple make up and may be the only thing for some people because of cost. It's definitely not the best and doesn't do anything for acne scar cure but does hide the scars.
Ok now we have the non surgical stuff out of the way for acne scar cure so now it's time to talk about some surgical treatments. First off I want to say that this isn't for everyone and really the final decision is really up to your dermatologist. However if it means that much to you then persistence does pay off.
Microdermabrasion - This technique is for mainly small mild scarring. What it does is work on the overall tone and lustre of your skin to make everything blend into one.
Scar Revision - This is actual complete removal of scars. It is especially effective when it comes to the ice pick and boxcar scars.
Laser Skin Resurfacing - This is a little complicated but works well. Basically this procedure removes the skin layer by layer using the laser. At the same time it helps smooth out the skin because the heat from the laser assists in tightening the skin.
Photorejuvenation - What this does is use broadband visible light to cause new collagen to form. It's recommended that you get 5 or 6 treatments with waiting 3 to 4 weeks between treatments for your acne scar cure.
At the end of the day while I know the scars may seem to affect you in so many ways I would put some serious consideration into what you really want. People need to accept you for who you are and not what you look like. These options are all available for your acne scar cure but please do some thinking first.
I am a 30 year acne sufferer so my knowledge of the disease is great. I have decided to put that knowledge to use and help people who are going through the tough times of living with acne.
You are more than welcome to visit acnerelief.synthasite.com Acne Relief for tons of tips and pointers or head over to releifforacne.blogspot.com my blog to leave comments or ask questions.
This is a disease that can be overcome.
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