Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Skin Treatment - What Is Scar And Acne All About? Methods To Remove Scars

Scars are a problem for all the people who wish to look young and

smart. A scarred face always troubles us and affects our psychology. Talk to

people affected by acne scars all over their face and you will realize

the impact of scars on the self-esteem and confidence.

Skin treatment for scars may follow many procedures. That will depend

on the age of the person, the location of the scar and the nature of the


The effects of acne both physical and emotional can last much longer

than your breakouts. Even after lesions have healed, they can leave

behind permanent reminders. While it's difficult to avoid acne scarring

completely, understanding the inner workings of your skin can help you

minimize long-term damage.

Acne is a skin condition that affects up to 80% of people in their

teens and twenties, and up to 5% of older adults. While many people recover

from acne without any permanent effects, some people are left with

disfiguring acne scars. There are some topical skin care products and

medications that can improve mild scarring, but most acne scars are treated

with a combination of surgical procedures and skin resurfacing.

What causes acne scarring?

In the simplest of terms, acne scars are visible reminders of injury

and tissue repair. When tissue suffers an injury, the body rushes its

"repair team" to the injury site. This specialized team includes white

blood cells and an array of inflammatory molecules that work to fight

infection and heal damaged tissue. Once the infection is gone, however, the

tissue can't always be restored to its former state.

How can I avoid acne scarring? Because we know so little about what

causes one person to scar more easily than the next, the best way to avoid

scarring is to prevent acne.

It's important to treat the condition early in its course, and for as

long as necessary.

The more inflammation you can prevent, the less likely you are to scar.

In the event that you do get acne lesions, it's important to treat

them with the proper medication rather than squeeze or pick at them.

Handling the skin - squeezing with your fingernails, poking pimples

with a pin, or whatever - significantly increases damage to surrounding

tissue, and thereby increases the chance that the lesion will leave a

permanent scar and acne scar treatment will be necessary.

After an acne lesion has healed, it can leave a red or hyper-pigmented

mark on the skin. This is actually not a scar, but rather a

post-inflammatory change.

The redness or hyper-pigmentation is seen as the skin goes through its

healing and remodeling process, which takes approximately 6-12 months.

If no more acne lesions develop in that area, the skin can heal

normally. Any color change or skin defect still present after 1 year is

considered to be a permanent defect or scar.

The short answer is yes - acne scar treatment is available.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and macules can be improved with

bleaching agents. Some superficial acne scarring can be treated with

topical resurfacing agents, like Vikki Lamotta's Perfect Skin Lightener.

the author is an enthusiast of skin treatment and tries his best to give up to date information on the solution for skin problems to have more information on skin problem and their solution visit

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