Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Acne - Blackheads

Acne blackheads are comedones that appear as black dots on the surface of the skin. Unlike whiteheads, blackheads are tiny and can stay the same size without necessarily resulting in an inflammation. Although they can appear on any part of the skin, they mostly affect the face and the arms. If you don't treat them properly, there are chances that they can develop into either scars or cystic acne.

Blackheads develop when the sebaceous glands produce excess sebum which fills the sebaceous duct as well as the pores of the skin. When sebum is mixed with other skin cells, they clog the pore leading to inflammation. This then results to a pimple. When the pores are not inflamed, the result is normally an acne blackhead.

Treating this condition is slightly different from treating other types of pimples. Regular acne cleaning may not clear a blackhead because in this case the affected area is not usually inflamed. This is unlike other regular pimples where once you control the inflammation, the clogged pores can be cleared.

You can use a facial mask to treat blackheads. In this treatment, you start by washing your face with a warm solution. This helps in opening the pores, you then apply the facial mask and leave it on for a few minutes. When you eventually remove it, it will have cleared the excess oil and the pores will be open. You may add a follow-up lotion as a finishing technique. The lotion will help tighten the pores. You can also use facial scrubs to treat acne blackheads. The scrubs usually contain granules that are used for exfoliating the skin. Scrubbing removes dead skin cells and this helps in opening the pores.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on acne and its treatment. macypages.com/2009/06/acne Acne

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